Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Frances' Japanese Pop Culture Experts on BBC

You can hear Frances Kai-Hwa Wang’s daughters, Margot and Hao Hao, interviewed on the March 27, 2007 “Japanese Culture Report,” on BBC Radio's “The World.” The report is about the increasing influence Japan has on American pop culture. Japanese superheroes are popping up in Super Bowl commercials and manga novels are preferred reading for many young Americans. The BBC was interviewing Roland Kelts, the hapa author of JapanAmerica--How Japanese Pop Culture has Invaded the US, and some other Japanese pop culture experts at a bookstore in Boston, and the girls just happened to be in the bookstore, sitting on the floor, reading a stack of manga as tall as they were.

Margot is the first child's voice listing all her favorite manga. Hao Hao isn't identified by name, only as "Margot's friend" (she's really mad about that), but she's the second child's voice talking about why she likes manga...they're pretty cute...future Asian Pacific American culture critics perhaps?? Here's the link.