It's back! Our annual Asian American Village Women's History Month commemoration of the APA women who have made history, these pages and a difference.
Help us keep this annual, ever-growing, Villager-built tradition alive by adding your own "brick".
Tell us:
Which APA women do you feel have made the most meaningful difference in shaping our lives, our community and nation -- and why?
Help us keep this annual, ever-growing, Villager-built tradition alive by adding your own "brick".
Tell us:
Which APA women do you feel have made the most meaningful difference in shaping our lives, our community and nation -- and why?
This year, we're going to try taking nominations here through the blog, so please leave us a comment with your nomination. And PLEASE, don't just a send us a name that's already on the Wall -- instead, tell us why you nominate her and what is remarkable about her. Use purple prose, add links, whatever you like!